Do you have clothes in your wardrobe that you haven’t touched for months? Or find yourself always wearing the same outfits again and again?
As a wardrobe consultant, this is something I hear a lot of people express. It is so interesting how we can get caught up in this cycle without even noticing. Not seeing how we by-pass all the beautiful clothes in our wardrobes, like they are not even there, consistently not seeing what is available to us that is out of the comfort zone we have pinned ourselves into.
So what’s the answer to this wardrobe crisis?
Is it possible we wear only what we feel comfortable in or what we feel others will be comfortable with us wearing? How influenced are we by outside factors when it comes to what we wear each day?
The answer it of course yes. There are many of us who stay in our comfort zone because we don’t want to draw attention to our innate and natural beauty and spunk that is always there in each of us when we let go and allow ourselves to express through clothing.
It’s sad that our dress sense and choice is influenced by how and what we perceive others will either respond or react to. But, it is in many cases true.
So how do we turn this crisis around?
The first thing is to recognise that it’s happening and busting out with a little wardrobe clean up and exploration is a great starting point. Wardrobes can become very stagnant and stale when our clothes sit in the same place and don’t get worn for months at a time, sometimes years. Mothballs anyone?
This is why I love playing with my clothes, trying things on and mixing and matching outfits. Reorganising my wardrobe keeps it alive in a sense and brings out the things that may have got hidden in the background and this is also what building a relationship with our expression through clothing is all about.
When we spend time building a relationship with our wardrobe, it is easy to recognise and let go of the items that no longer work. This can involve a weekly tidy up, playing grown up dress ups, colour co-ordinating (yes blue and green can always be seen) or going in a bit deeper with a full spring clean and declutter.
By keeping this relationship alive and staying connected with my wardrobe, I am given amazing combinations to try on. Rarely is it about buying new clothes, because everything is already there just waiting to get my attention.
And the best thing is, everyone can have what I’m having!
To find out more about wardrobe consultations or decluttering with Living Expression visit our services page here.
Did you know your wardrobe is not seperate to you? Read more in our most recent blog here.