You can spring in to clean at any time. No need to wait for spring to arrive.

I love cleaning, I don’t need an excuse to give the house an overhaul. It is a call from the house, letting me know that things have moved on and are no longer required. I see it like the Sydney Harbour Bridge. They paint it and when they are finished its time to start painting again. When I connect to what is needed, it can be as little as going through the cupboards and wiping them, spraying with eucalyptus oil and returning everything, yet other times it can be a call to clear our all that is no longer needed. My house has a plan, it isn’t my plan, if I ignore what is given then it will start to feel overwhelmingly full. Things won’t have a place, and everything starts to feel out of place. If you are getting an understanding of what I am talking about and would like some support, then give me a call.
Your house is calling for it. Simplify Life.